Solar Photovoltaic systems capture the energy of the Sun using PV cells to convert sunlight into electricity. To do this, they depend on sunlight falling on the panels to generate electricity. Direct sunlight will generate four or five times more power than indirect or scattered sunlight.
The difference in the performance of solar panels according to whether the light is direct or indirect means that maintaining clean panels is essential for optimal performance. Dust, dirt, and bird detritus amassing on the surface of the PV panels over time significantly reduces performance, and regular cleaning is recommended.
Traditional cleaning agents contain hydrocarbon dependant surfactants, and in the drive to a more sustainable future, there is a need to move away from these non-renewable forms of cleaners.
At REDA Energy we have developed the next generation of non-abrasive, truly sustainable cleaning agents which contain novel renewable biosurfactant chemistries.
Please contact us for further information please contact us.